Other Services & Calculators

Capital Bank has a variety of services for your banking convenience.

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Safe Deposit Boxes

Keep important and irreplaceable documents, photos and valuables in one safe, easily accessible place. Rent a Capital Bank safe deposit box in the size and price range that fits your needs. Visit one of our Banking Centers or call (713) 675-2341.

Capital Connection

Capital Connection is our 24/7 customer service center available over the telephone. Hear account information, transfer funds between your accounts, initiate loan payments and more. Just dial (713) CAPITAL, or (713) 227-4825.

Order Checks

How do I order checks for the first time?

If you did not order checks when opening your new deposit account, you must place your first order at the bank or by calling (713) 675-2341.

How do I reorder checks?

You can reorder checks directly through Deluxe.

What is the cost for reorder checks?

The costs vary by the type of account you have, and the quantity of checks ordered.

Order Checks


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